Friday, September 2, 2011


This is Kate Hudson's baby picture.
Kate's not happy here. Speaking of not happy and chickens, I have a story for you. This afternoon we got a phone call from a neighbor who lives above the Gilbert block of cherries. Remember when I was telling you about the chicken fertilizer? Well, this neighbor had been picking up the odor of our DPW and was alarmed that maybe there was a meth lab in the neighborhood. No, just an organic cherry block.

Here is Lady mothering Kate Hudson and her siblings. Lady was such a good chick nanny! I talked to Shyla today about Tropical Storm Lee bearing down on Gulf Port. It's suppose to hit tomorrow. She was buying water, and we talked about her different preparations. She was considering buying a life jacket for Lady. She estimates that Lady would have the most difficulty swimming because of her long body and short legs, and of course there is that trauma Lady had on the dock in Montana but I won't go into that. The last text message she sent me was to say Grayson was checking out a kayak from the rec center. I'm curious about that.
I'll keep you posted!

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