Monday, October 17, 2011

Farm Quiz Game #2

Hey, time to celebrate. Maybe you didn't notice but 2 Fun Farming has 2 Followers now! Yippee!

To have a proper celebration, we need to play the Farm Quiz Game. The first Follower is me. I know that's lame. ... ANYWAY, the second Follower is a mystery person, and you get to guess who it is!

a. One of my parents? Yes, they look like they have fun on the farm.

b. My niece, Leah? She's a senior in high school. Need I say more?

c. Mr. Cool, the local FFA teacher? Is he more interested in farming with animals or fruit trees?

d. Leo? Could I be desperate enough to make him a Follower? Heeheehee, Of Course!

e. Natalie or John in Dubai? This would be their pre-farming look?

f. Shyla or Grayson in New Orleans? Future proprietors of a "farm bar"?

I know. This is another tough Farm Quiz Game. Look for the answer tomorrow!

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