Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Farmers on Holiday 4

I know! Can you believe it? A fourth installment of the Farmers on Holiday! This can only mean one thing, we had an amazing holiday!!

After a week in NOLA, the crew moved to Shyla and Grayson's home in Long Beach, MS for Christmas and New Years.

We helped Natalie make her delicious Honey Walnut Prawns on Christmas Eve. People around the world talk about this taste treat. In places as far away as Dubai in the UAE or the Gold Coast of Australia people are still raving about it.

Ta da! A culinary work of art both for the eyes and the taste buds!

The newlyweds were short on a supply of Christmas stockings on Christmas eve so we improvised with assorted foot wear. Santa was very generous filling the boots, and we needed all of it too! But apparently Gunner needed it more...

As you can see Gunner is suffering from a lack of blood sugar. Look how weak he is! So when we left our boot loot unattended one afternoon, Gunner self medicated with select items from the candy basket. I'm happy to report he regained his vitality and stamina immediately.

Natalie is so excited to be opening her present from her parents.

Oh, is that not the sweetest blanket ever? Were you thinking those might be the 2011 Westminster Kennel Club dog show winners? Easy mistake, but no those are our family dog portraits.

The newlyweds beaming with delight after opening their long awaited wedding quilt made by Aunt Linda.

 I know you've been wondering about Dexter ever since you read about his long trek across the US. Well, here he is with Shyla at Foxwood Farm. He's doing great and actually really likes it in the South. He's ridden almost every day either by Shyla or Erin (the girl who has a half lease arrangement with Shyla). Dexter and Shyla hope to win a blue ribbon in a jumping competition this spring.

There they go. Nothing better than a warm 70 degree day to ride outside.

On the way home from Foxwood Farm, Grayson stopped in at The Shed. I thought that was the name of a wrecking yard. The outside of the building was covered with rusted corrigated metal and junk. I was impressed to discover The Shed is actually a barbeque & blues joint. I have to say, this was the most exotically Southern place I saw in our travels.

Everywhere there was random junk hanging from the ceiling and stuck to the walls. Also, it smelled like really good BBQ.

Customers at The Shed are called "Shedheds," and they bring in junk to continually spruce up the place.  Besides BBQ, you can get some kick ass sides such as G-Maw's Famous Beans, Daddy O's Creamy Cole Slaw, Mamamea's Mac Salad and Chuck's Baked Potato Salad.

Outside there was a rusted pickup bed be with a canopy. It was the "Honeymoon Suite," and it had the biggest bra I've ever seen laying inside. Hey, check out the Wedding Chapel.

Here we're back in Shyla and Grayson's neighborhood. Whoa, is that Easy Rider?

Hey, that's Bill on Grayson's motorcycle.

Grayson, Gunner and Bill with a collection of firewood for our dinner at the beach.

We had white sand and fresh seafood by the sea.

Bill was in charge of the BBQ.

Grayson prepared the oysters with the shucking knife. We ate them on  saltine crackers with a dab of cocktail sauce and horseradish sauce.

Then he prepared the beach fire.

The Southern sisters were pleased with the additional heat of the fire as the fog set in.
The New Year's celebration was a hit even if it was on "Stranger Tides". (you have to say it like a pirate!)

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