Monday, February 13, 2012

Spring Lambs

I know I'm supposed to talk about spring lambs, but I keep thinking about micro pigs. Somebody in Japan would like one as well. I'm thinking micro pigs are going global! I'm going to talk to Bill about Diamondback expanding into organic micro pigs. Since their originally from Devon England, I would need to interact with them using a British accent to help them feel at home. This would also be good practice for when John visits.

Grandma, Grandpa and I visited Mike and Mary Sherer's farm to see their new spring lambs. We think this barn is gorgeous and a fantastic home for sheep. Where the sheep and barn are was once a 4 1/2 acre block of Red Delicious apples that Bill and I use to farm. Up above the barn on the left is the Golden Delicious block of apples we farmed last fall. Since we expanded with the Union Valley orchards, we made the decision to discontinue farming this block.

This is the barn kitty who thinks she's part sheep.

These sheep are Katahdins and are a breed of hair sheep. The mature ewes usually have twins. These lambs are three weeks old.

Tucked away inside the barn is the newest family. These lambs are just three days old. Mary puts them in flannel jackets for the first couple of weeks.

Mary had a little lamb!

Grandpa had a little lamb! They have the softest noses.

See how soft it is? And they make sweet little grunting noises.

Grandma also has a little lamb and lots of memories to share about our goat farming days. On our hobby farm in Cheney, we had goat babies every spring. I loved our goats and joyously milked two times a day.

What a little show off!

See what I mean? Barn kitty is part of the sheep family.

While Mary gave us background information about her flock, Miss Monkey, the brown ewe joined our conversation. I tried taking pictures of her face, but she always tried to put her lips on my lens. There's a reason why Miss Monkey's so friendly. Besides the fact she's very pregnant and eager for distractions, her early lamb days were spent in the house with Mike and Mary, so she imprinted on them.

This is Miss Monkey in the kitchen. She does kind of look like a monkey!

Here she is with Bentley, the farm/house dog. Bentley's a wildlife enthusiast and occasionally loses his farm priviledges. 

 Miss Monkey strolling the beaches with Mike.

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