Saturday, February 11, 2012

Artists on the Farm part 2

Every fall my sister-in-law Linda has a quilting weekend at the condo with her quiltist friends. They throw open the windows, set up their individual work stations, and set out chocolate snacks for a flurry of quilting.

Linda was sewing pillow cases for the wedding quilt she made for Shyla and Grayson. By putting the pieces up on the wall, it allowed her to step back and assess the overall design.

The newlyweds were delighted. The quilt store owner, Rose, said the colors and design were calming. I think they hint towards fertility....

Sari recycles chicken feed sacks by sewing them into totes. She sells them at the farmer's market. Hey, I think I need a tote like that!

Back at Linda's house, she's showing Bill her quilting machine. She hopes to hire out for quilting as soon as she gets the machine's tension correct. Whenever there's machinery, the Clark brothers are interested. 

If Linda was actually quilting, this is sort of what it would look like.

Grandma is 73 years old. She has been sewing for at least 63 years, and these are her first quilting blocks ever. She is helping the ladies at the Habitat Store make a quilt for a fund raiser.

This is the bear paw design. I asked her how she liked quilting. She said it's very precise and involves a lot of ironing. She said she would sit and sew for a minute then stand and iron for a minute. She didn't really answer my question, so we'll see......Grandma's hard to predict because she's always learning new things.

Speaking of learning new things, I've been learning lots of new things since Natalie's been home!

  1. I needed a complete make over. She assisted me at Nordstrom's when we went for her job interview in Seattle. Thankfully, she's very tactful and helpful.
  2. I have renewed exercise energy! Oh my gosh, her I-Pod music really motivates me. One of her Australian songs by the Hilltop Hoods just made me get off the elliptical and dance.
  3. Turns out I love Reese's Puffs breakfast cereal and Fritos dipped in Tostitos Salsa con Queso. Good thing I have renewed exercise energy!
  4. I also love micro-pigs.

 John told Natalie that these little pigs are very popular in the UK. I can understand why!


  1. Angell,

    I want one of those micro pigs. Where can I find them?

    Your Japanese follower.
