Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Earth Moving

While the crew was picking processors, Bill was moving earth. Among other things, Bill loves large equipment for moving, clearing, gouging out, and leveling off large amounts of dirt. His buddy, a construction contractor, had loads of dirt and rocks to dispose of so it went to a variety of places on the farm that needed enhancement.  Each load is approximately 10-12 yards or the size of a full size car.

This is the Scofield block with the SweeTangos. The road needed more of a base and width so we got it!

If Bill had a bulldozer his life would almost be complete. Oh.... so kind of you to ask what else he needs? Did you guess a backhoe? Well, right on! See this might look like work to some people but to others this is hours of enjoyment.

Here they're dumping to fill in the gully by the galas.  When completely filled, we will have gained an additional 3/4 of an acre that can be planted to more galas.  Bill has checked with the irrigation district to make sure this would not put us over for allowable acerage.  This extra will get us to exactly the acreage we are paying for.

A closer look.  Bill estimates, at the current rate of dumping, maybe 7-10 years to completion.

These loads were deposited by the shop at Gilbert's. Bill got enough to really expand the area around the back of the shop, about 10 loads. He used the ranch's JD 2440 tractor with a bucket to move it around.

Impressive expansion work, Bill. But why do you would need to expand around your shop?

To park equipment? Yes! And does a farmer ever have enough equipment? No! Hence earth moving and expansion!

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