Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pigbat the Amazing Cow

Since we spent such a long time in the canyon harvesting our Honeycrisp crop, we got to know some intimate details of the canyon. And it goes beyond such juicy knowledge as Farmer Dave's daily nap schedule. We actually documented how the part pig and part acrobat (Pigbat) cow gets by the cattle guard multiple times a day. I know what you're thinking. This is big, right? I know!

Only on 2 Fun Farming will you get this real time knowledge. So here are the details. Farmer Dave and his daughter, the cattle baroness Leah, have been fighting this bossy Pigbat cow for months. The cattle guard that is suppose to keep her and the other cattle from leaving the range land has been no deterrent for Pigbat.

Scarey, huh? Cattle guards have always freaked me out, and I'm not even a cow, but if I was, I would definitely look for another crossing point.

Not a problem for Pigbat, so she moseys on down to the hay stack by the house and pigs out. And if the hay's not yummy enough there, she'll meander over to the tasty green lawn surrounding the house and pork out there.


She's the one between the hay stack and the pen. Notice that she's looking back at me with paranoia. That behavior would be the result of the intermittent assualts she receives from Leah's paint ball gun. This cow now knows she could get a blast of latex if a person approaches her, so when I do, she starts trotting up the canyon in a paranoid looking back constantly kind of way.

Do you see the tiny black spot in the middle of the picture? That's her and I'm behind her so that she'll head towards the cattle guard. Bill is in position to take pictures of her at the cattle guard. You just gotta admit this is so exciting!

She's heading up the road. Heeheehee!

Oh, it looks like Pigbat has noticed Bill. Will she turn around or will she cross?

The moment of truth. How much of an acrobat is she?

Ta-da! She completely clears it except for one hind leg but that's OK. We're still very impressed!

And she walks away like nothing unusual has happened.

Thanks, Pigbat we needed that! What a nice diversion from all those Honeycrisps.

And thank you, Bill for the great photography!

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