Tuesday, September 20, 2011

SweeTango Harvest

I learned something new this week while we were harvesting the SweeTangos. Until these apples are packaged to sell in the market, they are called Minneiska 1914's. Just in case somebody asks you, they are a cross between the Honeycrisp and Zestar apples. I have discovered that I love them even a little more than Honeycrisp. They're so juicy, crisp and sweet tart.

Here we are harvesting. That is Luis picking and me checking for bruises. Minnieskas bruise super easy but Luis is an exceptional picker.

Bill was very excited about our first day of apple harvest so he ran up on the Knob to take this picture.

That is Rodolfo on the left and Teodolo on the right. Bill likes to call Teodolo Diablo because he thinks those names sound the same and it ALWAYS makes Teodolo and the rest of the guys laugh. Notice how I'm still working and Bill is not?
This is the view above the Minnieskas. Overall harvesting this block went very well. With the limited amount of sunburn damage we ended up with, we aren't feeling the need to install an overhead cooling system yet. We had about 10 - 15 % russet that was severe and another 10 - 15% that was slight, so that is something we'll continue to problem solve. We met with two of our fieldmen to discuss testing results on the Galas and Goldens. Sounds like we'll pick the Chelan Falls Goldens Saturday then move up to the Galas on Monday & Tuesday, and then start on the Goldens on the lake. We're having another round of hot weather in the upper 80's this week. It really still feels like summer!

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