Thursday, January 12, 2012

Farmers on Holiday 3

We left off in the Garden District. 


One evening we rode the St. Charles streetcar to the Columns Hotel that bordered the Garden District. Bill is standing in the Victorian Lounge. Wow, this place had a lot of Southern charm and Christmas atmosphere. The clientele appeared to be more locals and university students from Tulane.

This hotel was built in 1883 and is listed in the National Register of Historic Places.

On the way back we noticed this creepy mansion in the Garden District. It made me think of vampires, and the risks of lingering!

We needed a cab to get us home which was a good 30 minutes away by streetcar. Miraculously out of no where this cab driver pulls up. This guy took his deliveries seriously. He ignored all of Grayson's attempts at friendly conversation and just leaned forward on the gas pedal. Scary! We were all pulling 7 Gs on the way home. When we got to Lee Circle, it really got dramatic as we were all flung to the right hand side of the cab by centrifugal force. I remember starting the Lord's Prayer in my mind, and then we arrived home at La Belle. The driver did it in what felt like 5 minutes! I think that will be the closest I'll ever get to being able to apparate like Harry Potter.

Hey, there's more so don't go away!

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