Thursday, April 12, 2012

Grandpa's Campaign

Grandpa's been busy working to improve the Chelan Public Library. This makes perfect sense because Grandpa was a college professor for 30 years, and reading has been his life blood since he hitched his wagon to Grandma's some 50 years ago. Grandpa's passion for reading/learning new things and lively discussion has inspired all of us. The tables in our house are always covered with library books, paper backs, and now we even have a Nook.

Do you want to know what we're reading? OK, I'll share:

  • Natalie - Just finished book 3 of The Hunger Games
  • Bill - The Hunger Games book 1
  • Grandpa - The History of Thought, Insurrection & The Evolution of Adam
  • Me - Death Comes to Pemberley 
  • Grandma - One Thousand White Women

Our lovely Granddog Lady has even taken up reading! My daughter Shyla/Lady's mom reads continuously and has obviously impressed her love of reading upon Lady. And none of this would be possible without the public library. Grandpa knows this, and he wants the library in Chelan to be top notch so it inspires everyone to gather for reading/learning and lively discussion.

As president of Chelan Friends of the Public Library, Grandpa and others are trying to raise $160,000 in donations for the expansion and renovation fund. As of April 11th, the committee has received a total of $71,754. Grandpa doesn't have time to sleep because he and his committee are on a timeline to get this done.

Currently the library is located in an old building in a remote part of town where a serious sewer odor lurks. It doesn't evoke feelings of inspiration or pride.

But all that is going to change with the efforts of Grandpa along with the rest of the Friends and the City of Chelan, when they rebuild the former Masonic Temple on Emerson Street creating an inspiring library in the heart of Chelan.

Yay, Grandpa! We appreciate everything you and the Friends of the Library are doing!

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