Monday, August 29, 2011

Canning Day

Canning day started like this with a bucket of roma tomatoes.
By noon they looked like this. I discovered I need a new gasket for my pressure canner so these tomatoes had a hot water bath instead of pressure canning. The pressure canner manual stated that I should add 1 tsp of salt which I did. My mom, the Home Economics Major, asked me what I added for acidity. She suggested vinegar or lemon juice. I checked in my USDA canning book, the book I should have consulted in the first place, and she's right. My next batch will have 2 tablespoons of lemon juice per quart and no salt! 
Since it was Natalie's last day we spent the afternoon with good friends at their lake house. The lake is warm enough to swim in, and this pool was great fun. The object with the huge beach ball was to leap on it from the side of the pool, and ride it around. It required precision jumping and a tight grip!
Not easy!

Accomplished by a true athlete! I think farming with a swimming pool is 2 fun!

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