Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Safe Quality Food Audit

Bill and I were just looking at our blogging stats. Twenty percent of our viewing audience is in Russia. Yea Russia! We're having a shot of vodka to celebrate!
Last Friday our farm had it's first SQF (Safe Quality Food) internal audit. Luckily this internal audit was more supportive than punitive. The auditor is an employee of our packing shed. His job is to help us prepare to pass an official external or third party audit.
I had my two big binders and all of my notes from a training in the spring. I felt so ready and yet we still had three hours to go ......Are you wondering what I mean by Safe Quality food? This is one of two food protocols that promote food safety and quality management. Starting in June of 2012 the largest retailers of our fruit will only accept fruit from farms that are either Global GAP or SQF certified. These two certifications comply with international and domestic food safety regulations.
Three hours later the auditor gave us a list of corrective actions that we need to complete by October 14th. The two big priorities with SQF are harvest hygiene and ladder safety. This involves daily checks that are documented to show the crew and equipment are clean and safe. The other part is documentation of communication with the crew about safety. I have clip boards with forms attached everywhere around the shop, in the truck, and the traveling outhouse. After each inspection, I initial the form and move on to the next inspection. The key for me will be to set up a routine that is easily repeated each day of harvest and beyond.

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