Thursday, October 20, 2011

This blows!

I know you've been on pins and needles to find out the answer to the Farm Quiz Game, so I'll not make you wait another minute.

The answer is.......

a. One of my parents and specifically my dad! If you guessed my dad, then you get a bonus point!

Here he is kayaking in the Chelan River a couple summers ago. Kayaking is one of his favorite hobbies. His big news is that his latest health report was excellent. Yay, Dad! Way to go! You're my favorite Follower!

Back to farming. Do you want to know what blows? This does.

This is the large air compressor Bill rents every year to blow all of his irrigation lines. Here he is attaching the air hose to the irrigation valve.

While I was observing, it came unattached, and since the compressor was going the hose hissed and whipped around like the Basilisk in Harry Potter. I'm not gonna lie. I felt imminent danger. Then Bill shut the compressor down and reattached it.

When it builds enough air pressure in the lines, water shoots out of the sprinklers until it drains all of the lines.

The sprinkler at the far end of the blueberry field has water spurting out of it. Bill does this at each of the blocks we farm in preparation for freezing temperatures in winter. He uses the 4-wheeler to race around and open valves during the draining process. It takes about 1.5 days to get all lines drained.

There he goes!

While Bill was doing this, the crew color picked our Pinata blocks.


Pinatas are a club variety with Stemilt Growers. According to Stemilt Growers this apple thrives on a select few locations where the soil, elevation and climate fit it perfectly. We've had good success in our location. Pinatas are from Germany and are a cross between Golden Delicious, Cox Orange Pippin and the Duchess of Oldenburg varieties. They are stripy, bright red over a yellow orange background. I had one for lunch yesterday and thought it was pretty darn tasty!

The crew has since moved back up the canyon to finish Triangle C's Honeycrisps. They'll start on our final pick of Honeycrisps Friday morning. The weather forecast is predicting night time lows in Chelan around 32 on Monday and Tuesday night. Since the canyon is usually ten degrees colder at night than Chelan temperatures, we're anticipating lows of 22 degrees. Hay caramba! That's too cold! Hopefully we'll have a picking crew of at least 30 people for the next four days before the low temperatures get here.

We'll keep you posted!

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