Tuesday, November 8, 2011

End of Harvest

We officially finished our 2011 apple harvest Saturday with approximately 10 bins of Honeycrisp processors (apples for juice) in the canyon. Yay! Good job everybody. This was our biggest harvest ever!

Every year after harvest we celebrate with a dinner. This year we had cabrito, salsa, chips, Corona and/or Coke. Cabrito is young male goat meat that is marinated and stewed. Balta's daughter Catalina prepared the meat. Maria made a delicious salsa that had some real fire. She used tomatoes and peppers from Arturo's garden.

He grows a lot of roma tomatoes.

A variety of peppers.

And more peppers.

I loved the salsa. I told Arturo it was delicious. He explained that it was a staple in Mexican food and that his family eats it all the time so it's just not that hot. I had to tell Arturo that I liked spicey food, so I ate a lot of salsa to prove it. Whoa, enough of it that I couldn't feel my lips because they were on fire. The Corona wasn't putting out the fire fast enough. It got dicey for a little while until the beer numbed my pain center.

Privately, I told Bill I wasn't so keen on young goat meat. After all, I had goats as pets growing up so how could people eat them? He proceeded to inform me that my family ate them. I'm like NO WAY! Bill, you are wrong! He got this determined look on his face, stuck out his hand to shake and said,  "You wanna bet?"

Damn straight, I did! Double or nothing on the jewelry that was from an earlier bet I had with him.
So when Grandma and Grandpa came to dinner, I confidently asked them about goat meat in Cheney where we use to live.

Turns out I was wrong and lost all of the jewlery. I can't believe I lost the jewelry and that our family ate goat!  Bill of course was quite pleased with himself. Grandma and Grandpa were amused and relieved that their long term memories were in better shape than mine.

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